Saturday, May 8, 2010

And on the 7th day we worked!

It has now been 7 days since the flood occured. We had a team from our church,, and some of Caleb's friends from school show up today to work. They put a huge dent in the mess. Also, my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Casey came out, but they have been here for us during the entire process. They have been a huge blessing. If you know my mom you know that she likes everything clean and organized. So as soon as people were showing up she was in the bathroom cleaning the toilet and sink. She said she didn't want people to have to use the dirty bathroom. It cracked me up, but I felt better using a clean bathroom.

We got a lot of things packed up that we were able to save and sorted through to make the piles for the city to pick up. My DOL (dad-out-law; sis-in-law's dad) showed up with another couple and were able to get the last horse loaded up and back home today. Mr. Evans, a teacher at MJMS, donated a huge roll of hay for the horses. As soon as it rolled out of his truck they were running to it. My aunt took most of the clothes, linens, and towels to the laundary mat. Most everything came clean, except for the white or off whites. My dad, Troy, and step-mom, Shelia, grilled everyone hamburgers and hotdogs. We had a wonderful cook-out. Also, my cousins brought cupcakes!!!! They were delicious!!!

For dinner we had a hot meal from the Red Cross Disaster Relief Team from South Carolina. They were so nice. They are coming around our neighborhood to feed everyone lunch and dinner. It wasn't that bad either. Never thought I would say I have ate FEMA and Red Cross food. But hey, I never thought we would be flooded. It only happens to other people. I am sooooo appreciative of the Red Cross and what they do during disasters. If you have donated to red cross you can know you are feeding about 20 houses in our neighborhood and all the people working hard to help those families.

I wish I was more of a cat person because I would be bringing the barn cat home with us. She lives in the barn and keeps the mice out of the hay. She cries at us when we get there to feed her and cries when we leave to go home with us. She is a smart cat and stayed in the loft of the barn through the flood.

The turkey's were back running around yesterday. They stayed in the trees during the flood. I told someone today it is sad to not see any deer around. Before the flood we were seeing around 20 deer in the evenings. They are always fun to watch from my mom's patio. Tonight at dusk three deer were in the back pasture. We were so thrilled to see them back so soon.

Two allstate agents also came out at dusk. We weren't as excited to see them. LOL. Even though mom isn't covered for content, we are very blessed that she has flood insurance. One agent said that only 1% of the people flooded in Nashville had flood insurance. We were happy to hear they include the stove, microwave, dishwasher, and the two fridges as part of the house structure included in the flood insurance.

One thing we still haven't found in the house is all the old super 8 films. For those too young they were film strips you run on a projector and has no sound. I did make a vhs in high school for my dad by recording it off the wall while having music playing. It isn't the best recording but at least we have some of it copied. There is some of my mom's family and her when she was little that wasn't on the video. I am nervous they were wet and someone threw them away. I hope I can find them tomorrow. That would be a great mother's day present. I haven't had time to get her anything.

Keep praying. We have a long road ahead of us. Thank you to everyone for all of the support we have received.


  1. I saw on the news the other day that the red cross truck was on it's way. What a small world to know that it is the one that is feeding your family!

    Know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Love to you!

  2. I am glad ya'll liked the cakes. I wish I could have stayed longer and helped clean. I will try to get back up here and do what I can. Love ya'
