Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What day is it?

"What day is it?" seems to be the phrase that keeps coming up. It is hard to believe it has been over a week since the great flood of Nashville began. We had a lot of help show up today. Gina flew in this morning and was at the house helping mom today. Steve was there when mom showed up ready to help. Also, my mom's friend Carol came out and helped. I came over as soon as I was able to leave work. Gina's daughter Amber stopped by. I am not sure if she knew she was going to be put to work, but she jumped right in to lend a hand like it was planned.

Tonight was a MJMS night. Mr. Baxter came out after school and had sent word out to his church. He ended up bringing several people. One included a former student, Collin, and his entire family. These guys quickly got to work and did so much in the three hours they were there. A couple I work with, Mr & Mrs. Speck, snuck right by me and I found them pounding away at the walls. Trent from Lifechurch came back out again to join the fun in tearing down dry wall. With this many hands we were able to get a lot done. I am hoping we can have moms house gutted by the weekend.

Red Cross Disaster Relief Team showed up today to get some information from us. There were four ladies and they were so sweet. They spent a lot of time going over everything, asking questions, and filling out paper work. In the end they were giving mom some financial help to cover some basic needs. It wasn't much, but it made me start to cry. Just the fact that so many people have reached out to help during all of this can be a little emotional at times. The smallest gestures can get me teared up and I hate to cry. I can tell you right now that when all is said and done I will be looking into being a part of the Red Cross Disaster Relief Team. There is no way I can ever sit back and watch something happen and not do anything about it. The Red Cross is truely an amazing organization and has been a great benefit to our communtity.

With that said tonight was not a Red Cross food night! We had the best full course meal provided by a great friend from work, Melissa Johnson. It was so delicious and it was vegetarian!

Thank you to everyone that helped today. I pray it will come back to you ten fold.

Also, If you are keeping up with the blogs please click the follow button. It would be fun to see how many people are reading. But who knows it might just be another way I am talking to myself. Good night!


  1. Courtney....this is Dave's daughter, Crystal. Thank you so much for starting this blog. I have wanted so bad to call and see how everyone is doing since I am way back here in Oregon but I can only imagine how busy everyone is and probably tired of everyone asking the same questions over and over. This blog has been able to allow me to keep up to date without being a bother to anyone. My prayers are with all of you out there. And don't feel bad about crying...I have a lot when reading updates and looking at all the pictures. I know it's a long-shot but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Give your mom and Caleb hugs from Kelsie and I and hang in there! You're doing great!

  2. hang in there-you are doing an awesome job and are such a source of support for your mom. I know she appreciates it more than you'll ever know.
